Quick Reviews of Non-Fiction Business Books #5 (S)

Win Or Die: Lessons for Life from Game of Thrones – Bruce Craven

I might have rated this book a bit harshly, because it just wasn’t for me. I haven’t read Game of Thrones so I didn’t get much out of it. A lot of the book makes reference and fully analyzes Game of Thrones. I don’t recommend reading this book if you haven’t read Game of Thrones. There are some leadership ideas, however, nothing new. There is very little leadership theory, and a lot of explaining via Game of Thrones. While the author aims to draw parallels between the challenges faced by the characters in Westeros and real-world leadership scenarios, the book seems to cater primarily to fans of the series. Without prior understanding of the characters and their arcs, the lessons feel abstract and disconnected.

For those who are avid followers of Game of Thrones, this book might provide an enjoyable and thought-provoking read. 2 stars.

Finding My Virginity: The New Autobiography – Richard Branson

I found this hard to review. The book itself is ok and not that badly written. It’s obviously an autobiography so it’s told as the story of his life. The stories don’t drag on, they get to the point at least. The part I don’t like is Richard Branson himself, and his life story. He is not someone I would be friends with. I have not read his first autobiography and wasn’t even keen to read this book. I didn’t know much about Richard before reading it, but after reading this book it confirmed everything I already knew.

Richard Branson considers himself a legend. He views himself as The Most Interesting Man in the World. I hoped to learn a little about running companies. But really he does none of this. Instead readers are subjected 450+ pages of egomania. It’s all about what he does in his everyday life which is off on dare deviling adventures that he brags about. Including his complete list in the appendix of “75 close shaves with death”. Most of which are doing dumb idiotic situations he puts himself into. Besides always almost dying, the rest of it is his views on politics, bragging, any time he did anything “cool”, and out right just being rich. I don’t even think he runs any companies?! Not in the day to day sense anyway.

There is no advice for aspiring entrepreneurs. It is just Branson telling the world, over and over again, how much fun it is to be Branson. I thought he was a wanker before, and now reading this, it confirms it. 2 stars.

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