Review: Sarah Kessler – Gigged (S)

The End of the Job and the Future of Work
Sarah Kessler

“In Gigged, Sarah Kessler meets the people forging this new world of unorthodox employment: from the computer programmer who chooses exactly which hours he works each week, via the Uber driver who is trying to convince his peers to unionise, to the charity worker who thinks freelance gigs might just transform the fortunes of a declining rural town. Their stories raise crucial questions about the future of work. What happens when job security, holidays and benefits become a thing of the past? How can freelancers find meaningful, well-paid employment? And could the gig economy really change the world of work for ever?”

The book titled “Gigged” introduces the author’s concept of freelancing and the autonomy it offers in choosing one’s own jobs. Despite its publication a few years ago, the book is still relevant. The author frequently references Uber as an illustrative example, highlighting the freelance contractors of Uber drivers. Various anecdotes from other companies are included creating a comprehensive narrative.
I found the examples to be quite enjoyable. Initially, the author seems to diverge from the main topic, giving the impression of going off on tangents. However, as one progresses through the book, a rhythmic pattern emerges, allowing for a better understanding of the author’s style. The book manages to deliver a wealth of information in an easily digestible manner.

One aspect that detracted from my overall experience was the book’s heavy emphasis on American contexts, including examples and specific currency amounts. This limited scope is irrelevant to readers from other parts of the world and hampers the ability to connect with the provided examples.

Overall 4 stars. What will the future look like?

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