Review: Nancy Pennick – 29

Nancy Pennick

Allison is settling in for a normal Junior year of high school. Little does she know that her heart will be attracted to the bad boy in her English class, and her older brother will be set on a rampaging trail to force her to betray her loved ones.

27467537Cliche, cliche, cliche. Fall for for the ‘bad boy’, get dumped, go back to the ‘safe choice’. Seriously girl, I’d be pretty worried you know what love is before you head off into the woods with someone.

I really liked the idea behind this novel, once it finally got going. Innovative, yes. Well executed? No. I was hanging out for details the whole time, and that was what kept me reading. But in fact, I basically started skimming because I no longer connected to the characters. They could all die for all I cared.

More could have been done here about the literature that was included. There should have been some importance linked to Fahrenheit 451. If there was, I missed it. With that, how did Ash possibly afford all those books she bought? Hasn’t she heard of a library? Ash is just a weak secondary character. In fact, I felt like I didn’t know much about any of the others because Allison was so absorbed in herself.

I’m giving this 2-3 stars, erring towards 2 stars. I made the mistake of starting it, and then I finished it, but it really wasn’t worth my time. It needs an update in its speed and the tell/show method.


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