Raven Flight
Juliet Marillier
Having safely reached Shadowfell, now Neryn needs to master the elements of earth and water, each testing her in their own way. She must leave the safety and her tenuous forming friendships, and get on with Tali, a warrior set on hating her.

Ravenflight improves on the first novel, and in terms of magic and learning it proved to be the best of the three. I really enjoyed the practical elements of magic. The breathing, understanding water and its volatility, learning the rituals and offerings. Remember to be respectful of the elders and the native environs.
A lot of this novel is Neryn working out the ethics of using her skills. She doesn’t want to let anyone die, yet she knows that some must die in the process. It’s an interesting conundrum, something most people would not face. Trial and error seems the way to go.
Not much I can say about this novel really. Just as good as the first one, but still not as enthralling as some of Marillier’s other works.
The cover on this one matches the first, which naturally makes me happy. Thanks to Pan Macmillan for sending me a copy to review.