Ben Burgess Jr.
This is a review intended for readers of 18+ years
Samantha had an abusive childhood, and now she’s working in a strip club where she abuses and torments men in return. Not content with that, she is set on her mission to turn as many straight, or almost straight, women gay.
I didn’t love the sex scenes in this book. I always struggle with either unrealistic portrayals or an excess of cussing words. At least in this case, it was almost all lesbian sex scenes, which although they weren’t respectful, they were thought out.
I found the prose a bit disconcerting at times. I just couldn’t get into it! Sometimes there are too many descriptions of people’s emotions in a ‘telling’ rather than ‘showing’ way. Somewhere this was very apparent was in the fight scenes, as well as some of the conversations.
The storyline in this novel was a strong one. Samantha is so wounded and broken it seems like she’ll never fix it. She makes so many stupid mistakes, culminating in a life changing one, and she doesn’t seem to learn unless other people point out the facts for her. She is willfully ignorant, and although I can’t like her, I appreciate a protagonist who is different for once.
I find it interesting that although Samantha says that she has no family except her ‘girls’, she has the entire gay community and also a sense of solidarity in being a coloured woman. In the scene in which she gets into a fight, she is backed up by both these.