Eleanor and Park have a interesting start. He thinks she’s nuts, she doesn’t think anything at all. Both of them have issues, problems, that neither can talk about. Perhaps together they can make a difference in each other’s lives.
There’s never really an explanation for Eleanor’s clothing choices. Is it something she does to annoy her step-father? I could not believe Eleanor’s mother. Why on earth would she put up with a guy like that? Where was the income even coming from? I know that domestic violence is something that is tangible and real, but also that there are safe-guards put in place, and that help is available.
The sub-plots, and actual development of the other characters other than Eleanor and Park, were just as compelling as the others. It’s a coming of age story, but also a genuine love story. I recognise the heady honeymoon period of a new relationship, where neither partner can get enough of the other.This novel has breathtaking action that will leave you longing for more about the future. But the ending! Noooooo. I hated it. I wanted something more to come of it. Poor Park! At the same time I could exactly understand Eleanor’s point-of-view, and yet still hated it.
Other people have pulled holes in this novel because of the setting. I honestly don’t know enough about US history to know whether things are historically correct. Anyway, I don’t think I’d care. The characters are what make the book for me, not the setting.
I’ve read a series of amazing novels lately, but I think this one comes out on top. It’s got a lot of important issues, and characters that actually learn and grow. I want to get my hands on her other novels as soon as possible!
I bought this novel after having received Fangirl from a publisher. Well worth it, and would strongly recommend it to anyone interested in teen fiction.