Welcome to Reading Addiction Blog Tour’s stop for ‘Midnight Queen’.
The official blurb:
the quiet island life she’s know and find adventure in the world outside. After the death of her
mother, Aeila escapes to the University, a world filled with technological wonders and exotic
people. But her own history is dark and the secrets behind her birth may destroy everything that
hold Aiella together.
My review:
The beginning is catchy, nothing like a race against time to get the feelings for the main character pumping. You get the idea that Aiela doesn’t give up easily. I felt very attracted to her, particularly when she picked biology as her major! I didn’t think she was as weak as others had suggested.
Some of the descriptions in the novel still didn’t sit well with me, although I couldn’t pinpoint exactly what was wrong with it. The world was really detailed and enjoyable. I guess some of the telling vs showing problems – but it’s difficult to do that with life on a ship.
The storyline was engaging, because initially it was impossible to tell which way things would go. Fascinating really. The University hasn’t changed at all since The Saint was there. Oh, but there was an extra layer of awkwardness when Aeila met H. If you didn’t read the Twilight Saint, you wouldn’t know just how awkward it was.
The changes in perspective, and very similar character names made it a bit difficult for me to follow the story at times, but it was interesting to see how people’s lives changed after they met Aiela. She was a catalyst of change – just as her mother was, despite what Aiela may have thought.
Sex is dealt with in the same matter of fact way as it was in The Twilight Saint. Yes, it’s there, it will be in your face almost immediately after you open the novel, but it’s not offensive until later in the novel. Aeila uses it to manipulate people mercilessly. I loved the idea of the water containing birth control! If only it was the case here.
The ending was a little ambiguous for me, and it left things open for perhaps a third book. It’s hard to tell! I found myself still wondering what was going to happen next, so that was a good feeling.
This was a relatively quick read for me, but I liked it. It’s a plot driven novel, and the motivations of most of the characters are unclear. I give it 3 stars!
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About the Author
I am a therapist and writer who lives in Alabama with my three corgis, children, husband, and other strange creatures. My short stories have been published in numerous literary magazines and anthologies including CSM, Summer Gothic, Bound By Blood, and Outer Darkness. I have ghost story columns in theValley Planet and White Cat Magazine where I share my love for ghost stories that send shivers down your spine and keep you up at night. I also share my passion for all things ghostly and haunted at my blog, ghost stories and haunted places.
I am currently working on my next Haunted America Book for History Press, Haunted South Alabama. Follow me at my blog to learn about the ghost stories I am chasing and collecting for this fascinating addition to Haunted America. I’m also workng on the next book in my Circe series. The demon is awake and waiting for my new heroine in the swamps of Southern Alabama. Click Here to Follow My Blog!
You can contact me at jessica.penot@gmail.com
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January 2 – Krystal’s Enchanting Reads – PROMOJanuary 3 – Brooke Blogs – PROMO