Galia Ryan
Welcome to Innovative Online Book Tours’ stop for ‘Choices’.
Anna has too many debts to pay – ironic for someone who works to loan money to others in need. With no bonuses at her day job, she decides to pick up some extra shifts… of both kinds. Plenty of erotica here folks, don’t proceed if you’re under the minority age of your State.
The official blurb:
Anna is broke. Really broke. Credit cards maxed out. Store cards, too. She can’t make her repayments and there’s nowhere to turn.
Educated, intelligent, and—until recently—upwardly mobile, Anna is forced to make a choice. Sink or swim. And swimming means finding a part-time job to complement her full-time career. One that would pay enough to get her head above water. Except that part-time jobs don’t pay. Usually.
Drawn into the sordid world of private escorts, Anna discovers there is little she won’t do for money, lots and lots of money. She even starts to enjoy the sex. Until she meets an unusually seductive client who introduces her to the world of Dominance and submission. Then everything changes.
CHOICES is Book 1 of the Luxuria Trilogy.
My review:
I got this book late by my standards since the email gremlins ate my review copy! So I basically sat down right away and plowed my way through this as quickly as possible to get it done in time.
Anna is likeable enough, although I completely don’t agree with her life choices. I totally don’t agree with her decision at the end. Is she saying regular sex isn’t good enough for her? Her initial decision is fine with me though – it’s her body, so it’s good 🙂 She does need to learn how to live within her means though, and work harder to save a deposit! She won’t stay young forever.
That bracelet intrigued me. I was super surprised she was accepting gifts, and that she would keep them at all. Also, I think she should have been more understanding about Jake, and offered him more of a chance.
The perspective changes were pretty neat, and something that I thought could have added even more depth to the book. Some more perspective from her strange lover, even some from Jake’s POV.
This book does not practice safe sex. At all. Which put me off. And also, although I’m not a feminist, I like women with a bit of spine, and Anna certainly lacks it with Adam. Doormat! Although I guess that’s the point. I hate to think of how ill she could potentially get. This book is probably t
Something that frustrated me the most about this book was the cliffhanger ending. There was no closure to speak of. None! Which is fine I guess, if the other two book are out, but they aren’t until 2012.
This novel seems to be written off the back of the Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy, and honestly I think it does a better job. There’s variety in the sex, and something other than S&M for those who don’t go in for that as much. The language is a lot harsher though, and some of the scenes were pretty uncomfortable. I would be interested to see where the language and storyline goes for the next one.
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About the Author
Convent educated from the age of four, Galia Ryan was brought up not to question. Perhaps because of this, she has always been fascinated by all things esoteric and ‘outside the square.’ Originally from Sussex, England and now living in New Zealand with her soul-mate husband and grown-up family, Galia tries to find time between her passions for writing and reading for her other love—travel. There is always a growing list of must-see places. CHOICES is her first novel, and the first of a trilogy. SECRETS and LIES will be published by Fanny Press in 2013. You can find Galia on the Web at
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