Saving You, Saving Me
Kailin Gow
Welcome to Reading Addiction Blog Tour’s stop for ‘Saving You, Saving Me’.
Sam wants to become a psychologist, but does she have too many problems of her own to work it out? While she tries to get a scholarship to go to college she is signed up for helping run a teen counselling line – but is the man she is trying to help working towards the same goal?
The official blurb:
Aspiring psychiatrist and high school Valedictorian Samantha (Sam) Sullivan falls for a deeply troubled young man named Daggers during a crisis call at her watch, which leads to the unraveling of her perfect world.
A contemporary ya-mature/new adult romance with some edge.
My review:
Samantha is an endearing character, even if she’s a bit irritating at times. She has so many buried problems that we gradually get to see, and it’s a real revelation. I would have loved to see a little more of the real her, with less breakdowns involved though. It seems like she has some super big issues there.
I couldn’t believe how clueless she was though! Sawyer House, Daggers, they’re all one and the same! Arg! How can she miss something so major? The reader will be bonking their heads against the wall for how clueless she is.
Derek and Sam’s relationship is very strange. it’s part of the allure that had me unable to put the novel down, and dreading the end of the book. The romance here was good. Sam is such a sexy character, yet she’s unaware of it or unwilling to acknowledged it.
Innocents, bah. It’s like a teenage, or young adult version of fifty shades. That’s exactly what it is. Except that now they both have issues. Another problem I had with this novel was that there are some odd time jumps, where I had no idea how much time had passed, or if I did, I didn’t know where it went.
After my disappointment with Bitter Frost, I was hoping for something awesome from this novel. I went in with an open mind (as far as that’s possible) and was happily surprised. Some of the problems were the same, such as the stilted dialogue in sections (don’t is just as good as ‘do not’) and over descriptions of things, but the rest was good. I’m automatically predisposed to liking this kind of novel, with its themes of self harm and abuse. It was just what I wanted to read too.
I’d recommend this novel for uncritical young adults and mature teenagers. I don’t think it has the level of complexity that would make it suitable for adults, and the sexual content (relatively mild, but still here) makes it unsuitable for younger teens in my opinion.
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About the Author
Kailin Gow has appeared on top national syndicated talk shows such as ABC Radio, Barbara Dooley show, Chat with Women on KKNW Seattle, Broadminded on Sirius Radio XM, and more as a leading authority on YA and women’s issues including self-esteem, body image, dating and sexual relationships, abuse, and bullying. Kailin has been a published author for over 10 years with over 100 titles published under her name and under pen names.
She is the founder of the community social site, The Saving You Saving Me Project, which helps teens, young adults, and women deal with social issues like sexual abuse, self-esteem, body image, bullying, cutting, relationships, and more in a positive community environment. The Saving You Saving Me Project is an extention of her YA-mature fiction Saving You Saving Me.
Kailin Gow began writing books for tween girls to help them with self-confidence and self-esteem. Her book, Gifted Girls Activities Guide to 365 Days of the Week, became a reference book used in girls organizations across the U.S. As her tween fans grew to become teens and young adults, Kailin began writing engaging and entertaining young adult book series for them. The results are book series like the Frost Series, PULSE Series, Wicked Woods Series, Stoker Sisters, Phantom Diaries, The Fire Wars, FADE, DESIRE, and more
All her books are inspired by personal experiences. Saving You Saving Me was inspired by her experience as a peer counselor for young women during college and from her psychology major college roommate’s experience being in a relationship similar to the one portrayed by Sam and Collins in the book. Loving Summer was inspired by Kailin’s experience growing up with a family consisting of a mother, two sons, and a daughter who went through a similar experience of tragedy in the book. Aunt Sookie is based on herself and some actor friends she knows. The Frost Series, Circus of Curiosities Series, and FADE Series came about through vivid dreams. Never Say Never was inspired by Kailin’s experience as a radio host and working with and interviewing bands, as well as having college friends who were in bands. Kailin also played the drums and keyboard for a band she once started. A classically-trained musician, she was once led her school orchestra, playing first chair violin. Her experience in the music world and her love of Phantom of the Opera, inspired the Phantom Diaries. PULSE was inspired when Kailin was in the hospital suffering from heavy blood loss post surgery and needed several bags of blood to survive (like a vampire). Beautiful Beings was inspired by her college encounter with a young demon exorcist. A pastor once told her she had the gift of sight and that she was destined to become a prolific author, many times over.
She began taking her writing seriously when her daughter was diagnosed as being on the spectrum and her mother was fighting three types of cancer. Four years later, her daughter was no longer on the spectrum, and her mother became cancer free. Kailin believes in hope and miracles, after having been through several struggles and experiences herself. This is why she writes.
When not busy inhaling chocolate and drinking coffee by the gallon, Kailin makes time for writing fantasy books, blogging as an expert blogger for Fast Company, volunteering as an Emergency Responder and volunteering for battered women’s shelters. For fun, she plays the electric violin, and puts together a music playlist for her radio and web shows.
Her Frost Series consisting of the Bitter Frost Series, The Wolf Fey Series, and the Fairy Rose Chronicles along with her other book series are being developed into worldwide MMORPG Games by SEE GLOBAL ENTERTAINMENT, which is the world’s leading game developer known for developing the top blockbuster films into games.
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