Review: Brandon Sanderson – Legion

Brandon Sanderson
My name is Stephen Leeds, and I’m perfectly sane. My hallucinations, however, are all quite mad. Steven ‘suffers’ from having multiple, well-informed hallucinations. Using those hallucinations, he is a quite sort after man for scientists and engineers alike.
If I had to put this book in a genre, I’d say Mystery! And I’ve just enjoyed a mystery novel… It’s a fantasy that could logically take place in the real world, and that to me, could even not be a fantasy in the future. I guess that makes it Urban Fiction, with a hint of Mystery…
It’s really fascinating how initially, I accept the hallucinations as normal, and unspectacular, until suddenly, you realize  the advantages of having specialists in each area. Not only can they advise him, they are able to take over his body to protect him.
What I find interesting is the way that the hallucinations interact. That they are all aware of each other, and that they are able to grow and change. I only wish I knew more about all of them. I am sure that each has a backstory that Sanderson has come up with.
As this is a novella, I struggle to say too much about it, just that it was awesome, and amazing, and please go and pick yourself up a copy today. This novella feels like it’s worth reading more than once, just to pick out all the nuances in it. I wish it was full-length book.
My awesome partner bought me this novel for Christmas. She entirely got this choice right! I could not put this novella down, and I can’t wait to get my hands on the second in the series.

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2 thoughts on “Review: Brandon Sanderson – Legion

  1. Pingback: Review: Brandon Sanderson – Wax and Wayne (Mistborn #4, #5 and #6) | The Cosy Dragon

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