Review: Misa Sugiura – Love & Other Natural Disasters

Love & Other Natural Disasters
Misa Sugiura

“When Nozomi Nagai pictured the ideal summer romance, a fake one wasn’t what she had in mind. That was before she met the perfect girl. Willow is gorgeous, glamorous, and…heartbroken? And when she enlists Nozomi to pose as her new girlfriend to make her ex jealous, Nozomi is a willing volunteer. Because Nozomi has a master plan of her own: one to show Willow she’s better than a stand-in, and turn their fauxmance into something real. But as the lies pile up, it’s not long before Nozomi’s schemes take a turn toward disaster…and maybe a chance at love she didn’t plan for.”

What a sweet little read! Don’t come here hoping for anything deep though. You’ll need to suspend your disbelief a bit, and also be willing to play along with the stupidity of some characters. I was all for ZoZo not having done anything wrong. Ok, she didn’t explain herself very well, but hey! Everyone else was happy to go along with the lie! And they blame her. Pah.

Is it just me, or did the cultural backgrounds of each of the characters not really mean anything? I knew that ZoZo was of Asian descent because of her name, but the rest? I didn’t really keep track. It’s refreshing that it didn’t matter and that I didn’t notice, but is that truly the way things are? I very briefly noticed that Arden was darker than the rest due to Willow’s make-up stash, but that was about it.

I’m not sure how I felt about Baba’s ending. Was there a right answer? I wanted there to at least be another answer. Even if hiring help just delays the problem, I thought that Baba deserved something more. Also, it’s been years since I thought about Saruko’s thousand cranes. How old is Dela in that her parents could get away with that for so long? I guess there is seeing and realising, and seeing and pointedly ignoring!

A refreshing lack of straight relationships here! I didn’t really get Max and ZoZo’s relationship – I can’t imagine being that rude to my older brothers (who would no doubt sit on me at the thought of such a thing!). The only straight relationship we see is approaching divorce. Oh, and I guess Baba and Jiji, but we don’t actually know what happened to Jiji.

Anyway, I gulped this down as an eBook from my library and now, a couple of months later, barely remember the storyline and don’t really care about any of the characters. So I guess it’s 3 stars from me.

Review: Mette Jakobsen – The Snow Laundry

The Snow Laundry
Mette Jakobsen

“Sixteen-year-old Ally is one of 400 homeless young people who have been promised new and better lives in exchange for their votes. The once homeless children and teenagers are now warm and fed. But they are forced to work for the new administration – and their new home is really a prison. When Ally’s boyfriend Bon vanishes into thin air, her search for him leads her to discovering that the homeless kids are really lab rats intended for scientific testing. And as Ally delves deeper into her search for Bon, she learns the frightening truth behind his disappearance.”

This novel is really just another dystopia end of time book, unfortunately probably best compared to The Hunger Games. All the homeless children have been trapped/rescued into a single building where they slave away in a laundry / kitchen for the right to live.

What I don’t get is why they haven’t wiped out the undesirables of the population already. Everyone is armed, and apart from the clean up if they were shot, it doesn’t seem too different to Maslin’s end game. Is Maslin meant to be Mussolini?

Ally makes herself sick over Bon! For someone who has apparently survived on the street for a long while, she’s not very resilient. She’s got sort-of friends, and sort-of talents, but the situations and solutions she ends up in are highly improbable.

I don’t regret reading this novel, it passed the time on a very long bus ride, but I felt like there could be more substance. 3 stars, and I guess when the follow-up novel is done I might read it.

Review: Phillipa McGuinness – Skin Deep

Skin Deep
Phillipa McGuinness

“This is a book about skin. The strange wonderfulness of our bodily covering. What happens to it when something goes wrong. How the world responds to imperfection and difference. It’s about how skin makes us who we are. Skin serves as a barrier between us and the germs that would otherwise invade and destroy us. You will intuitively compile information and judgements about a stranger based on their skin and the clothing that covers it. Skin shouldn’t give you the measure of a person but we function as if it does.”

This is filled with interesting factiods about skin! I found it very dense reading (it had so many LAYERS hahaha), and I couldn’t just keep reading on through it. I wanted to take notes at times, because some of the things that the author described were fascinating. I put this book down and took a long while to pick it up again. I wasn’t sure if I could cram more information into my brain that isn’t directly relevant to my day job at the moment (sad, but true).

I’d recommend this as not-particularly-light reading for almost anyone! The science is definitely quite dense, but it has multiple powerful messages. I particularly liked the discussion of ‘race’ and how skin colour (which we have known for a long time is linked to multiple genes and factors) is almost completely irrelevant to a person’s rate. Well worth reading, and probably worth sharing around in your family, even if you sell it off as ‘well, read it so you’ll be convinced to get your skin checked for skin cancer!’

Penguin | 16 March 2022 | AU$34.99 | paperback

Review: Karelia Stetz-Waters – Satisfaction Guaranteed

Satisfaction Guaranteed
Karelia Stetz-Waters

Cade never expected to inherit anything from her family – it’s not like she’s ever fitted in and she’s always privately thought that she must have been adopted. Serena on the other hand hasn’t been able to plan for the future after her last falling-out left her with nothing. Thrown together to try to save a sinking sex toy store, will Cade and Serena be able to save the shop, their sex and their lives?

Cade and Serena are great examples of characters that some people will recognise themselves in (I graviated towards Cade) and others may think are just too stereotypical. The good news is that you don’t have to like them both to enjoy the novel! You also don’t need to like sex toys (it’s perfectly ok if you don’t like or need sex) or art to appreciate the novel.

Karelia and her publisher kindly provided me with a eBook copy – which I promptly failed to review (darn, I hate eBooks). I then waited patiently until my physical copy arrived in the mail, and then began reading it aloud to the other two lesbians in my household. Unfortunately, I was really REALLY invested in the story again, and so I wanted to read ahead of them. So… I finished it without them. My copy is actually looking a little beaten up, which I guess shows how much I love it.

I then wrote a review… and WordPress ate it! Grah! I’m back again now considering my third re-read because I loved it so much. I thought it was much better than the previous novel in this ‘series’ which was Worth the Wait. I’m now waiting impatiently for the next book, Behind the Scenes. If you’re a person who identifies as queer, know someone who identifies as queer (which is surely just about everyone?) – this author is for you.

I passionately recommend all of Karelia’s novels to the Queers in your life. Karelia writes a really enjoyable romance style where the sex is a bonus rather than expected. I find that most of her characters come alive for me, and even though I know what the ending will be, I still feel certain that I might be tricked and there won’t be a happily ever after.

Review: Baba Prasad – Nimble (S)

Make Yourself and Your Company Resilient in the Age of Constant Change
Baba Prasad

“Today’s world is best described by one word: turbulence. Every leader today knows they need to be nimble, agile and resilient–but how? In this engaging and insightful new book, management strategist and Wharton Fellow Baba Prasad sheds new light on the subject, and offers practical advice for executives, entrepreneurs, and anyone else who’ll need the skills to face the unpredictability, risk, and deep uncertainty that lies ahead. Filled with vivid examples and insights from around the world and throughout history – from the Brazilian rainforest and the “frugal innovation” of 19th century Indian engineers to Ericsson, Lego, Burt’s Bees, and Zara–Nimble reveals what sets the most nimble leaders and organizations apart from the competition, presenting five types of agility that help individuals and companies not just survive but thrive in times of great change”

This book gives readers a guide to becoming more agile in today’s fast-paced business environment. The 5 agilities discussed in the book are:

  1. Analytical agility – allows a company to change the means and methods of analysis.
  2. Operational agility – helps the company gain dynamism through its operational resources.
  3. Inventive agility – enables the generation of new ideas, creative solutions, and alternate uses of resources to solve problems the company has not seen before or to take advantage of new opportunities the company faces.
  4. Communicative agility – is the skill a company has to persuade its audiences and to convey the value of its ideas through words and speech.
  5. Visionary agility – allows the company to recognize the long-term impact of the decisions it is making.

Each chapter of the book focuses on one of these agilities, offering a detailed explanation of what it is and why it matters, as well as real-world examples of companies that have successfully developed and leveraged that agility. The author’s use of business examples helps bring these concepts to life, making them more tangible and easier to understand.

The author also includes exercises and activities that readers can use to help them develop their own agility in each of the five areas. These practical exercises help readers apply the concepts to their own lives and businesses.

I recommend this book to anyone looking to succeed in a world that is constantly changing, this book is sure to be a valuable resource for leaders and professionals across all industries. If anything, it’s a great reminder to be agile in business. 3.5 stars

Interview with Joshua Crosson

An Interview with Joshua Crosson, author of Limelight

Joshua Crosson lives in a small town in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. He attended college in his early twenties, wasn’t sure what he wanted to study, dropped out, and is now returning—this time to get a nursing degree. He has a passion for helping others in need and has always believed good writing has the power to connect and help other people. He’s loved writing ever since he was a small boy. While writing can sometimes be a challenge, his passion for it has never died. He’s heard other writers use the term “writing as therapy” and believes the expression is a good fit for him too.

What is your favourite dragon in literature?

Toothless, from How to Train Your Dragon. [[[ED: MEEEE TOOOO]]]

Everyone has a ‘first novel’, even if many of them are a rough draft relegated to the bottom and back of your desk drawer (or your external harddrive!). Have you been able to reshape yours, or have you abandoned it for good?

I wrote a novel called Sheep in my early twenties. I was trying really hard to make a statement about religion in it. The writing wasn’t that great either, but it was the first time I felt I was really trying to develop characters and themes that were personal and close to my heart. I’d say my first “real novel” was this big, untitled book that took place in the future on this run-down city on the moon. It was this dark, futuristic detective novel about this man—the detective—who hates human beings. And then by the end of it he ends up saving the Earth. It was kind of like Seven and True Detective but sci-fi. But, honestly, I don’t think I’ll ever try to resurrect these stories. I think I left them behind for good, my writing interests elsewhere now.

Over the years, what would you say has improved significantly in your writing?

Everything! I’m thirty (at this time of writing) and I’d say I’m only now discovering my voice and style—especially with this second novel I’m writing now. But still, I often struggle. I’m still learning and improving.

Some authors are able to pump out a novel a year and still be filled with inspiration. Is this the case for you, or do you like to let an idea percolate for a couple of years in order to get a beautiful novel?

I’ve become more patient with my writing as I’ve gotten older. When I was younger I wanted so bad to be like Stephen King—or like some of the other popular novelists—able to pump out a book a year. But I realized that’s not the way I work. I wish I could write that fast.

I have heard of writers that could only write in one place – then that cafe closed down and they could no longer write! Where do you find yourself writing most often, and on what medium (pen/paper or digital)?

Usually in my room at night, though I’ve written in many places before. My ritual is to always write after I get off home from work. I work the swing shift (usually) so I get home around eleven or midnight. But once I’m home I’ll eat some dinner, drink some tea, and I’ll try to write at least an hour before I go to bed. And always using pen/paper too. I used to do all my writing on computers (and also typewriters haha), but I’ve discovered a love for writing with pen and paper these days.

Before going on to hire an editor, most authors use beta-readers. How do you recruit your beta-readers, and choose an editor? Are you lucky enough to have loving family members who can read and comment on your novel?

I’m one of the lucky ones and have wonderful family and friends who read my work. My mom is my best critic. She’s also an author and she always gives me honest feedback, doesn’t pull any punches. My sister, brother, and a few friends have been so helpful to me too. And I also have a lovely new fiancé who I can bring works-in-progress too.
Recently, I just started reaching out to people I don’t know (like on Facebook writing groups), asking them if they’d like to read my current work-in-progress.

I walk past bookshops and am drawn in by the smell of the books – ebooks simply don’t have the same attraction for me. Does this happen to you, and do you have a favourite bookshop? Or perhaps you are an e-reader fan… where do you source most of your material from?

I definitely prefer physical books. The smell is amazing, new or old books. There’s a local Goodwill nearby where I live and I’ve gotten hundreds of books from there. I also use Amazon.

I used to find myself buying books in only one genre (fantasy) before I started writing this blog. What is your favourite genre, and have your tastes changed over time?

I’d have to say Crime Fiction is my favorite genre—or genres in the same vein, like Suspense, Thrillers. I also love Horror.

I’ve always loved horror. That’s never changed. It started with Goosebumps for me. And then I fell in love with Stephen King, Jack Ketchum, Clive Barker. Lately, I’ve been delving into this really bizarre, nasty subgenre of horror—Extreme Horror. It’s a guilty pleasure of mine. I’ve also always loved and have always been fascinated by true crime. Over the years, I’ve developed a deep love for crime fiction though.

Social media is a big thing, much to my disgust! I never have enough time myself to do what I feel is a good job. What do you do?

It was really frustrating for a while, because I started my writer’s page on Facebook maybe two years ago, but I had nothing on it. I had no published novel, no short stories (I don’t like writing short stories), nothing. My debut novel was published a month ago, and so I’ve only now (this past month) been active on social media. It feels better now to have something out there, something that I can share with other people. I’ve been finding it to be actually kind of enjoyable to talk to other likeminded people—other writers and readers and creative people—to be able to connect with them. At the moment, I just have an author website and an author Facebook page. Having too many platforms makes me feel cluttered and overwhelmed and I’d rather just stick to one or two (though maybe, at some point in the future, I’ll change my mind about this).

Answering interview questions can often take a long time! Tell me, are you ever tempted to recycle your answers from one to the next?

This is my second interview regarding me and my book! So no temptation, not yet haha!

Limelight – a crime/noir/mystery novel

Chris Flowers, one of the most famous and beloved popstars in the world, wants nothing more than to keep playing shows and creating art for his dear fans. Nearly finished with an album, and only days from playing a major show, Chris receives a fateful phone call threatening to expose a dark secret of his past that could ruin him. The sinister voice demands Chris to “Confess” or else… When the lives of loved ones from Chris’s past—the very people he left behind to pursue stardom—become involved, Chris must decide how important his career truly is for him—and if he’s willing to sacrifice lives for it.

Quick Reviews of Non-Fiction Business Books #1 (S)

The Resilient Leader
Life Changing Strategies to Overcome Today’s Turmoil and Tomorrow’s Uncertainty
Christine Perakis

This book is designed as a quick read that presents a good storyline, but falls short in delivering specific tips on leadership. While the book contains some generic advice, it offers nothing new or groundbreaking. However, it does have action points at the end of each section, making it a practical guide for those seeking to apply the advice presented. Overall, while the book is a fast read, it is not suitable for readers seeking in-depth knowledge on leadership or looking to learn new and innovative strategies.

Great Quotes for Great Businesses
Words That Leaders Live By
Bud Carter

This book presents a collection of quotes from successful business leaders, entrepreneurs, politicians, and sports stars. While the book has a range of quotes, it is an average read. The book covers different chapters, but there is not much variance in the content. I’m not a huge fan of quotes in general, as there seems to be a quote for everything, even contradictory.  While the book provides some inspiration, the content can be repetitive, and some quotes may not be relevant to all readers. Overall, it is an average read but it is what it says it is.

Engineer Your Business
The 6 Proven Steps to Evolve
Mike Dowsett

The book does not delve deeply into any particular concept, but instead offers a diverse range of perspectives on business systems, process, cost savings and more. While some of the sections may be familiar to readers who are already well-versed in this area, there are also some fresh insights and unique strategies that will be useful to readers seeking new ideas. It’s a nice quick read and is easy to flick through to sections you’re interested in. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a quick and easy read that offers a diverse array of ideas and perspectives on business.

Review: Cassandra Clare – The Mortal Instruments #1-3

The Mortal Instruments #1-3
Cassandra Clare

Clary’s seeing things that she knows shouldn’t exist, and interacting with demons that can’t be real. Or are they? Clary’s mom has disappeared and her mom’s best friend is acting strangely, and Clary can only think of the ShadowHunters as the enemy. Or maybe Jace could be more than a friend, if only he wasn’t so prickly?

Clary is a decent enough protagonist considering her background as a regular old mundie (mundane) means that she’s at a disadvantage most of the time. Honestly though, I feel like she just kept being told she was too weak and noone bothered to train her. Also, the thing with the stele – wouldn’t you be kind of bothered if you lost it as many times as she seems to? Wouldn’t you put an AirTag on it? I don’t know how well this story will age into the future, but it’s still pretty good (10 years on??).

I picked up books 1-3 and 5 from the opshop for a grand total of $10, thinking that they could be a good fit for the emerging teen reader in my life. I thought I’d better have a quick read of them first to make sure they were good though! I’d previously tried to get into this series by listening to an audiobook (why did things happen so slowly?!?) and testing the TV series (too disconnected and visually distracting). They are pretty dense books and the action is quite slow which is why it didn’t work for me in either of those two media. This time around I knew that I had the next couple of books waiting for me so I could just gobble them up.

I’m undecided about the ‘twists’ in this novel. Ok, so I’m probably weird, but I was totally ok with the fact that they might be siblings and attracted to each other. They were raised individually, so what do you expect?! Anyway, that conundrum is sorted out by the end of book 3, which is why I stopped reading at that point.

I’m giving this three stars – pretty compelling while I was reading it, and I felt quite driven to keep reading the next two inther series. But! Once I finished book 3, I was actually ok with just putting the series down again. What more could I want than darkness vanished?

Review: Rebecca Yarros – Fourth Wing

Fourth Wing
Rebecca Yarros

Violet has been training to become a scribe like her father, rather than a dragon rider like her older sister, decreased brother and cold mother. At the last moment, Violet must pass the parapet and become a rider – where not all the riders will be chosen by dragons… and not all would-be riders will survive.

Character development? Not really. Amazing world-building? Yup, maybe! Fun storyline where you can’t decide whether you want the protagonist to live or die? 100%! Although I had no real prediction as to how it was going to go down, the ending was highly satisfying.

I’m not sure they are grumpy enough dragons (or that there’s enough dragon time)! I mean, when we get to the final parade in front of them, I felt like they could have incinerated a couple more of the cadets. If they aren’t going to choose them all, why not put the others out of their misery?

Winner! Another main character with a physical disability that doesn’t let it get in the way of what she wants to do (see also: A Curse so Dark and Lonely). Damn, girl! I guessed the ending just a couple of pages out from the end of the book and was 100% paranoid that the book was going to end before I confirmed it.

If you’re sensitive to, well, erotica, this might not be the book for you. Violet definitely spends a fair bit of time thinking about sex, and then it gets worse as you progress through the book! The first half is relatively safe though

For once it’s not a group of 15-16 year olds fighting it out, it’s actual adults. I really appreciated that aspect and it made the violence seem slightly less out of place? I think that the way young children are killed off in something like The Hunger Games very dystopian. It’s an uncomfortable thought to know that although that’s a fantasty world, in the real world children are dying right now anyway.

I couldn’t stop reading it and after some time has passed and the second book is published, I will be all there for a reread.

Hachette | 9 May 2023 | AU$32.99 | paperback

Review: Amanda Brown – The Prison Doctor

The Prison Doctor
Amanda Brown

“Dr Amanda Brown has treated inmates in the UK’s most infamous prisons – first in young offenders’ institutions, then at the notorious Wormwood Scrubs and finally at Europe’s largest women-only prison in Europe, Bronzefield. From miraculous pregnancies to dirty protests, and from violent attacks on prisoners to heartbreaking acts of self-harm, she has witnessed it all. In this memoir, Amanda reveals the stories, the patients and the cases that have shaped a career helping those most of us would rather forget.”

I’m always keen to read medical stuff. I’m not quite sure what I expected from this book though. I think I could have had more juicy medical stories in terms of ailments treated, rather than the somewhat introspective tone approach taken here. As the Prison Doctor says though, it’s not her job technically to judge based on the prisoners’ crimes, it’s up to her to treat their medical problems.

Perhaps reading this sharply on the heels of I am a Killer has desensitised me to crime and criminals? They did what they did, now they do their time. Sometimes I wonder whether death would be a kinder sentence, particularly with how many try to kill themselves or self-harm in horrifying ways. We have to remember though that this book only addresses some of the criminals in the system, and the doctor can’t possibly see everyone. That means there’s some people whose stories are hidden – and will continue to have this. I’m not going to pretend to be an expert in criminology.

Are my complaints going to prevent me from reading the next book in the series? Hmm, probably not. I wouldn’t bother purchasing this book though, I’d just find a copy at my local library or borrow from a friend. It’s an easier read, and I’m not judging it for that.