Feature & Follow #2

If you’ve stopped by from the Feature and Follow, I just want to say thanks! I’m a bit late this week, but I wasn’t really sure which week I was signing up to. Oops! You can follow me by GFC, Networked Blogs, Facebook and Twitter. The more the merrier! Comment to say you stopped by, and I’ll be sure to visit you in return.

My blogging resolutions? I’m not sure I really have any – except try and resist blog tours, and start getting my hands on more paperback books, as I’m finding ebooks hard to catch up on because there are so many of them! I’d also love to get more followers this year, but that’s just a bonus. I’m still achieving my original goal – of reading my way through my bookshelf, and reviewing every book I read.

In 2012 I posted 160 posts. Of these, only 3 were not reviews! These three posts were my 100 post giveaway and winner announcement, and a Fairytale giveaway I wrote a type of guest post for. That means that last year I read over 157 books! I know I read more than that, because I had posts lined up for 2013  before it started. I’m not sure if I should aim to increase the number of books I’m reading, or just happily continue as I have been – reading things I enjoy, in the order I enjoy them.

Rose @ The Cosy Dragon

9 thoughts on “Feature & Follow #2

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following! I am following you back. I have never done a blog tour before but I am hoping to start once I understanding them better. Good luck with your resolution!!

  2. I read 122 books last year, I thought that was a lot, but I see I was wrong! I really want to focus on books too, but I feel like memes are the only way to get followers! <br />Thanks for stopping by my blog!!! You were my 50th follower, I will love you forever! I followed back 🙂

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