Welcome to Reading Addiction Blog Tour’s stop for ‘Keepers of the Zodiac’.
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My review:
I have to say that the concept was awesome, very interesting, but then the execution was a little flawed. I felt like most parts of the novel were quite stilted in their extravagant descriptions of things and I ended up skipping over them. The dialogue was also quite stilted, and I didn’t really get into the characters’ minds. This was a plot driven novel wholeheartedly (nothing wrong with that, just not usually my style of thing).
The almost steamy kissing scenes would make this novel suitable for older teens, if your younger teen is wary of such a thing. I know some 13 year olds that would be grossed out simply by the thought of kissing! I guess it’s boy cooties or something. This novel could equally be for males or females, but I feel that because of the romance element its more of a girly book.
Poor Syrie! Of all the characters, I felt for him the most. I was a little leery of his island naming, and I couldn’t believe that coincidences such as that happened in such a structured world. Not to mention the revelations for him, and his future. To love, and then to lose. Throughout the novel I felt like there had to be more going on than what met the eyes…
The ending is a cliff hanger. I would quite like to read the second book in this series, simply because it’s so uncertain! How can so much happen in a day? And what is going on with Syrie? Arg! Those twin sisters are nothing but trouble. Perhaps a borrow from the library book.
People who follow and believe in the Zodiac may be a little affronted by this novel, because I don’t think it necessarily reflects those beliefs accurately. Not being a follower myself, I doubted that all the signs could have all those positive portrayals. I might have enjoyed the novel even more if I remembered each of those.
Ew, foot flakes. Gross. That’s all I’ll say about that, but really, it’s quite humorous. There’s some other points of humour, but as a whole it’s quite serious, as befits a novel that is trying to prevent the collapse of the world as we know it.
Three stars from me for this novel. Plot yes, execution no. An easy read, probably well suited to teenagers that have less experience than me for pulling novels apart.
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ulette’s Papers – Guest Post/PROMO
Thank you, Tonya for reviewing my book! You are quite tough, but I like that. It will only help sharpen my writing skills. I appreciate all of your comments. -Sharon Wood
I hope you viewed it as constructive criticism – I would certainly not say your book was a bad one, just those elements that could be improved. I look forward to the sequel 🙂
Thanks for the review. Having read the book, I can see where some of your thoughts come into play. I didn't skip over any parts, reading it cover to cover, and perhaps benefited from doing so. I'm also looking forward to seeing where this young author takes us in the future.
Just to clarify – I didn't skip any huge sections, just a paragraph here or there. Thanks for the comment. I am looking forward to seeing more of the author's development in the future.
Just in case my post yesterday doesn't count…<br />HI!
Your comments are very insightful and will be helpful for the sequel.
Thanks for the review. I was grossed out by the foot chips part! haha! I do agree with you that the end was a cliff hanger, and I can't wait to see what happens next.