Review: E L James – Fifty Shades Freed

Fifty Shades Freed
E L James
So I’ve now read the third book in this erotic set. I told myself I was doing a service to my reader community to finish reading all the damn things, so don’t prove me wrong!
13536860The same things that irritated me in the other novels are present in this one. The various stupid repetitive sex scenes, the say way of referring to Christian as Fifty! Yeah, not impressed. I am not going to read this book again, and I’m glad I didn’t buy myself copies as it would have been a waste of money.
The Jack Hyde storyline, particularly its conclusion, was poorly followed, and smacked of the author being told to just include a climax! (ha ha, climax, see what I did there?) Bringing back Laila didn’t really make all that much sense either, and didn’t really add anything – except getting someone fired!
As if I didn’t see Ana’s problems in this novel coming. First, boy meets girl (book1), then boy marries girl (book 2) and finally boy and girl have a family. I’m pretty sure I didn’t just ruin it for you – it was obvious that that was coming.
Something that is introduced more seriously into this book are the flashbacks. I think more could have been done there, and the writing style in those was just as poor as the rest of the time, but at least something was done to try change things up a bit! There were also more email conversations, which did add a little more to the narrative.
More Dr Flynn! He was really needed in this book, but he wasn’t there. He wasn’t there whenhe was really needed! Christian breaks down far too quickly. He goes back on his ways rapidly, with little sense. The Elena storyline returns, but again, Ana is far too understanding.
Ana never learns. Christian doesn’t either. Her ‘sex’ is always wet and wanting for him. He doesn’t seem to get that she’s so sex mad. The pregnancy sex scenes at the end are sort of appalling – isn’t she thinking of the baby at all? Or maybe her toddler? Yeah, just sad.
I really struggled to find things to say about this book. It’s been a couple of days since I read it now, and I’ve read some other good, favourite books in the mean time, and I don’t really understand why I bothered finishing this trilogy. Perhaps I just felt like being a completionist! Also, they were really easy to read, and it’s boosting my total reviews ever closer to 100 (look out for a giveaway at that point).
ADULTS ONLY! It’s been described to me as a Twilight erotica – and I can sure see where that came from. A stupid female and a hunky man getting it on! It just needs a bit more of a love triangle.

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2 thoughts on “Review: E L James – Fifty Shades Freed

    • Thanks for stopping by 🙂 Be sure to come back and visit regularly as I'm having a giveaway soon! Glad you didn't fall for reading these – keep resisting and save your money.

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